Direct marketing awards in Brazil unveils best strategies

Brazil is the Latin America’s country that has presented in recent years the highest rate of growth in the market of the direct marketing. And one more time surpasses the expectations and proves the forecasts growth of the sector. With special prominence for the development of the activities of digital marketing and callcenter, the celebrationContinue reading “Direct marketing awards in Brazil unveils best strategies”

Carrefour merging in Brazil?

Two recent news about Carrefour’s operations in Brazil. A possible merger with Grupo Pão de Açucar and the deal with Itau Unibanco, which bought 49% of the French retailer’s bank. According to Dow Jones in Paris, Carrefour SA may seek to merge its Brazilian unit with Brazil’s largest retailer – Grupo Pao de Acucar.  CarrefourContinue reading “Carrefour merging in Brazil?”

Latest data on labor market in Brazil. (Ask for a raise)

IBGE –  the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – came with good news about domestic labor market.  Working population is increasing, unemployment rate dropped and there is a resumption of growth in the real income average. Bottom line: labor market in Brazil is heated. More jobs Unemployment rate was 6.5% in March, close to the lowest level in theContinue reading “Latest data on labor market in Brazil. (Ask for a raise)”

First impressions on Dilma’s economic team

Everybody is wondering how the next president of Brazil,Dilma Rouseff,  will behave. Will she follow Lula’s step or will she implement her own agenda, are questions in the back of our minds. She announced this week the names for ministers of Finance, Central bank and Planning and analysts start to explain what is behind thoseContinue reading “First impressions on Dilma’s economic team”

Consumer spending firm in the third quarter

Very good news were out today. Credit conditions are strong, along with solid job creation, and rising real income.Car loans are up 16% according to a report released today on consumer spending. Lending to individuals maintained a solid pace in July, with daily average concessions jumping 1.3% over June, adjusting for inflation and seasonality. ThisContinue reading “Consumer spending firm in the third quarter”