Carrefour merging in Brazil?

Two recent news about Carrefour’s operations in Brazil. A possible merger with Grupo Pão de Açucar and the deal with Itau Unibanco, which bought 49% of the French retailer’s bank. According to Dow Jones in Paris, Carrefour SA may seek to merge its Brazilian unit with Brazil’s largest retailer – Grupo Pao de Acucar.  CarrefourContinue reading “Carrefour merging in Brazil?”

Brazilians pay record taxes in 2011

Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (Receita Federal) announced a new records showing that taxes are moving put with the economy. Dolar is stable and country risk is down but GDP prognostics for 2011 are decelerating. The first quarter of 2011 set a record for the period of R $ 311.349 billion. This amount represents a growthContinue reading “Brazilians pay record taxes in 2011”

Brazilians discover art investment

Brazilians are getting more sophisticated in asset allocation. Different alternative investments raise as a novelty and art investment may be the intangible of intangibles .. but why not add it to the list? I love art and the idea of combining it with investment sounds good to me but I am learning about it and I’d like to shareContinue reading “Brazilians discover art investment”

Latest data on labor market in Brazil. (Ask for a raise)

IBGE –  the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – came with good news about domestic labor market.  Working population is increasing, unemployment rate dropped and there is a resumption of growth in the real income average. Bottom line: labor market in Brazil is heated. More jobs Unemployment rate was 6.5% in March, close to the lowest level in theContinue reading “Latest data on labor market in Brazil. (Ask for a raise)”

G20 Meetings

Mr. Mantega directly criticized the American central bank’s Ben Bernanke in a reference to throwing dollars from a helicopter. The Economist notes that Mr. Mantega was one of many foreign bankers who make similar criticisms of quantitative easing. “Fears of foreign capital were only deepened by the Federal Reserve’s decision earlier this month to embarkContinue reading “G20 Meetings”